“Propelling L’Oréal into the future with Beauty Tech ”

“The Covid-19 crisis has shown that we already had everything we needed to reinvent our work, innovation and production practices.
Our teams have nonetheless been confronted with the dual challenge of adapting extremely quickly to ensure seamless business continuity through remote ways of working and virtual events while coping with the unprecedented explosion of e-commerce and remote consumer engagement.
At the same time, we have continued our efforts and investments to pursue our far-reaching IT transformation plan and transition to tech solutions with the acceleration of e-commerce, cloud migration, cybersecurity, and the complete overhaul of our ERP system.
In both aspects, 2020 has been a year of massive acceleration.”

employees connected remotely during the Covid-19 crisis
5 million
virtual meetings organised via Microsoft Teams
of Technologies teams trained in the Agile methodology
training sessions in digital tools

When technology defines new ways of working

How Beauty Tech is inventing the future of beauty

Augmenting researchers’ innovation capability
Teleworking and digital acceleration go hand in hand

Tablets in hospitals to keep in touch with loved ones
Women drive tech forward