Communications, Public Affairs and Sustainable Development
“Sharing Beauty With All”: progress and results 2015
For the second year of its roll-out, the “Sharing Beauty With All” programme recorded good progress and was enriched with a new ambition: to become a “carbon balanced” company by 2020. A look back at the initiatives which marked 2015.
Thanks to the mobilisation of the L’Oréal teams, the “Sharing Beauty With All” programme was rolled-out worldwide on solid grounds. We will now move to an acceleration phase to achieve our objectives by 2020
Alexandra Palt
Director Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability
Sustainable innovation
Two examples of sustainable innovation. In China, L’ORÉAL PARIS launched two anti-dandruff shampoos that are, compared to shampoos in the same category, more than 92% biodegradable and have a water footprint 80% below the average(1). And in Brazil, MATRIX launched a Biolage shampoo and haircare range, which is packaged in 100% organic plastic bottles, made from sugar cane.
See also:
Sustainable production
In 2015, L’Oréal reduced by 56% the greenhouse gas emissions linked to its industrial activity, in absolute terms, while production increased by 26% over the same period(3). Three new L’Oréal industrial sites – Burgos in Spain, Yichang in China and Rambouillet in France – achieved carbon neutrality in 2015, in particular thanks to renewable or clean energies. L’Oréal’s climate performance has been rewarded by an “A” rating – the highest possible mark – from the Climate Disclosure Leadership Index, the CDP ranking(4).

Sustainable consumption
The product evaluation tool, currently being finalised, will allow the establishment of the environmental and social profile of all products as soon as 2016. A pilot version of the tool is available to four brands including BIOTHERM, which used it in 2015 to renovate its Biosource range. The new bottle features an optimised design and provides, through its pump, an additional service to the consumer. It is made with up to 25% of recycled plastic.

2020 objective: 100%
Sharing our growth
Through professional training in beauty professions, the inclusion of people with disabilities and deployment of various programmes of Solidarity Sourcing, the group enables more than 60,600 people from socially and financially underprivileged communities to access work.

In 2015, L’Oréal employees’ benefited from the best social practises through the L’Oréal “Share & Care” programme. L’Oréal Turkey offered its employees, returning after maternity leave, six personal coaching sessions to help them reconcile their lives as mothers and their careers. This initiative is popular with employees, and was also hailed by the press.

2020 objective: 100%
L’Oréal includes its suppliers in its Sustainable Development approach, particularly as part of the CDP(5) Supply Chain.

have been evaluated and selected
on the basis of their environmental and social performances.
2020 objective: 100 %